We were in a car in the Greek island of Corfu, when our driver pulled over to cut some dill weed from along the side of the road. He said they call it “anithos”.
It’s a commonly used herb by the locals, an ingredients found often in Greek cuisine. It’s used in dolmades, soups, spinach pies, salads and breads. I think of that day in Corfu, standing with the view of the coast, every time I cook with dill. I like to use it when I make tzatziki, in fish cakes, on salads, with salmon, on zucchini cakes, great in omelets, and I love it on french fries. It has delicate feathery leaves and wonderfully aromatic with a slightly bitter taste. They could look like fennel leaves, but they are completely different. Dill has a more herbal aroma and fennel is sweeter, more like anise or licorice.