The 2013 Spring Issue

→ Find the complete 2013 Spring Issue here

Tulips in Spring

Eating from the garden, fresh colors, flowers, veggies, fruit are a must. It’s time to bloom from the inside out. Like a goddess in the garden.

I always remember sitting at my kitchen table in Bethesda having a cup of tea and looking through the window, the white crystal garden a total winter wonderland. And one day, I got up and out of no where there were flowers blooming everywhere, so fast, and in a few days there they were, the most amazing and vibrants colours of pink, orange, reds.

And spring came along with another energy so beautiful and enchanting. I was so happy seeing the whole process of nature.

The same thing happened to me when I was a living for a short time in Rottingdean, a small village in Sussex, England, well known for having an authentic tea time.

It was a historical country house made of stones with a backyard facade cover of roses. The aroma of spring was very seductive and magical, the whole house was perfumed by the roses. And when living in Manhattan, next to our house we used to have a community neighbour garden, that’s were my daughter learned to walk. We used to sit there every afternoon, have a snack, and be delighted with the wonderful variety of colorful tulips.

Here in Florida, I don’t have a garden but I keep the home filled with fresh flowers all the time. I do have a few plants on the balcony that I keep moving back and forth, inside and out because of the strong winds. And sometimes they go in my bedroom. But I adore cooking and seeing my bongaviglia from the kitchen. It transports me to the Mediterranean, to Santa Monica, CA, and to Venezuela were I used to have them, too.

But I feel the spring bloom has to be from the inside out. It’s what we eat, the freshness, eating with colors.

It’s keeping the happiness at the table, the essence of flowers at the plate, combined with veggies and fruits.


Let the spring come into our houses.



  1. Congratulations on your lovely new blog! I’m loving our spring weather and the change in produce at the farmers’ markets. I can’t get enough of the asparagus and strawberries. Happy Spring!

  2. Thank you my dear food bloggers. xoxo

  3. Beautiful new website, Lola! Congratulations!!!

  4. Oh I love your new layout and website design. Just gorgeous!
    I am waiting for Spring -cherry blossoms and flowers, and fresh Spring air and different colors! My favorite season is Spring, so I am always excited about the season when everything wakes up! Enjoy your day, Lola!

  5. Love the new digs! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us!

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