Terrine de Roquefort



A lovely appetizer on a late afternoon with a glass of wine. I could freeze it and keep it when friends come over. A saveur of France always ready at home whenever may need it. This terrine is an adaptation of its French recipe.




Easy to make once you are making it, you could adjust the ingredients and quantities to your own taste. I like the combination of the strong flavor of Roquefort with the sweet taste of the raisins, plus the crunchiness of the walnuts with every bite.
The chervil is the gourmet parsley but more delicate, popular in France for its subtle flavor and fragrance of Anise. I like to used it to enhance my omelets and in my potatoes.




Not  cooking or baking just  mix, chill and it’s ready to be served.




Looking for Eau de vie de prune, I found this Old Plum Brandy from Croatia, It’s is clear and very aromatic which is achieved from the ageing process in barrels made of the unique woods of Zadar region and even during the maturation more hand picked plums are added for more aroma.
(the whole process is carried out under kosher regulations)

6 oz Roquefort
3 oz  soften unsalted butter
8 chives leaves chopped finely
1/2 bunch of chervil chopped finely
4 tbsp golden raisins
5 tbsp Brandy
6 oz coarsely chopped walnuts toasted

In a small bowl soften the raisin by soaking them in the Brandy until they have absorved part of it.
Leave the Roquefort out the refrigerator for about an hour to softened.
Beat the cheese adding small quantities of butter. Once It is all incorporated and blended together add the rest of brandy from the raisins maceration and continue mixing. leaving the raisins aside. Add the chopped walnuts, the finely chopped herbs and the raisins and mix it all together. Refrigerated, If you want to unmold it, line a container with plastic wrap, cover the top put weight to press it down and leave it in the fridge overnight.
Serve with toasted bread as an apéritif.

(you can substitute the butter for cream cheese or crème fraîche and the Brandy for Armagnac)

From the shopSquare Baking Dish


  1. Haha, šljivovica :D !
    I don’t see it that often on international blogs :) .

  2. This sounds wonderful! I’d like to spend a lazy afternoon with this and a bottle of wine.

  3. I love roquefort so much. Your terrine is just for me.. so tasting looking!

  4. What a wonderful spread! Quick and delectable…mmmmmm.

  5. Lola this is fabulous! I would love to have that with a glass of wine and some apple slices! GREAT photos!

  6. oh this looks fabulous!

  7. Looks fabulous!!

    Found you through foodbuzz!

  8. Yum! I would love it if someone served this to me as an appetizer! I like how easy it is to throw together!

  9. Lola, this is fantastic. I adore chervil and this is such a great way to serve roquefort.

  10. Marialuisa, gracias por las rectas del gazpacho a mi me gusta mas con la guarnición. Cuando lo prepare lo pongo en el blog. xo

  11. No encontraba tu email. Te voy a dar los dos gazpachos que yo hago.
    1. El que nos bebemos literalmente cuando hace mucho calor. 2 kg de tomate super maduro + 1 pimiento verde + diente de ajo + cebolleta + chorro de vinagre + sal + un pepino pelado + chorrito de aceite de oliva. En este no meto pan por lo de los remordimientos de conciencia.

    2. El segundo es el profesional. 1 kg de tomate + 1 diente de ajo + 1 pepino + un trozo de pan remojado en agua + 1 cebolleta + chorretón de vinagre y 1/2 vaso de aceite de oliva virgen. Sal (nos gusta alegre).

    Este último se sirve en bowls, con guarnición super picadita de cebolla, pepino, pimiento, tomate y pan y que cada uno se eche lo que quiera, yo me pongo tomate y pepino porque ambos me chiflan.

    Lo mismo sin pepino, SALMOREJO, pero a mí cuando hace calor me gusta el primero. Mi marido dice que es un tomate “preparado”, pero es que somos muy tomateros. A mí me enseñaron a hacer estos gazpachos mis amigos del sur, las demás variaciones ya no soy gazpacho, el gazpacho solo lleva esos ingredientes. Un beso guapa. ¡Qué bonito es Miami! aunque hace mucho calor, lo se.

  12. Great looking appetizer..love the pictures too! I am glad you found “sljivovica”, that brand is made in Croatia, but you can find them all over former Yogoslavia..I am not big fan since it too strong! Thank you for sharing, will explore your site!:)

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